The Teenager's Roadmap to Success: DMIT Counseling Unveiled!

The Teenager’s Roadmap to Success in 2024: DMIT Counselling Unveiled!

The teenage years can be challenging and stressful, filled with self-discovery, identity formation, and achieving academic and personal goals. Teenagers need guidance and support during this phase to deal with the complexity of their developing personalities and aspirations. The Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) has become increasingly popular as…

Discover Your Child's Hidden Talents: The Power of DMIT Test

Discover Your Child’s Hidden Talents: The Power of DMIT Test

WHAT IS DMIT TEST OR DERMATOGLYPHICS MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE TEST Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test, or DMIT, focuses on fingerprint patterns and their relationship to different brain lobes as part of a scientific examination. It is designed to provide insight into a person’s inherent potential and personality traits. Dr. Howard…